September 18, 2024

September Beer Review (#135)

Left Click the Pic to see a pic of each!

(See the bottom of the page for info on Oktoberfest Style.)

Beer/Brewery City, State Tasting Notes Style ABV % IBU Cal On Style Look Smell Taste Mouth Feel Total Rating Pic

Ayinger Oktober

Ayinger Privatbrauerei

(Ayinger Private Brewery)

Aying, Germany

Märzen / Oktoberfest- Ayinger Oktober Fest Märzen has a deep golden color tinted with amber. It is lightly sweet with a malty nose balanced with floral hops. It's medium to big body and alcohol are not overpowering. The soft dryness comes from long maturation.

For me this is the goal of Mazen/Oktoberfest. Carmel crisp and malty. Littel nose but very flavor full. Translucent but not clear.

This beer is better in Munic during Oktoberfest! LOL

Marzen/Oktoberfest 5.8% 12



4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6





Altstadt Brewery

Fredericksburg, TX

Altstadt has once again produced what I believe the mark to meet when it comes to Marzens.

In tradition with the classic German Märzen styles originally served at Oktoberfest. Mild hopping compliment the rich combination of Pilsner, Vienna and Munich malts which give this brew its beautiful light copper color.

This is one of my favorite Marzens and I highly recommend it. If you get a chance drop by their tap room and enjoy one in their beer garden.

Marzen 5.9% 16   4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Pic


Real Ale Brewing

Blanco, TX

Real Ale does not claim this be an Oktoberfest or festbeir which I think is smart. What they have done is to capture an American version of a great beer. Brewed with Munich and Vienna malts they then use a Bavarian lager yeast to produce a very nice beer.

Bavaian Style Lager 6% 22   4 4 4 4 4 4 Pic

Von Wolfhausen

Eureka Heights Brewing Co

Houston, TX

I must say that Eureka Heights has acheived a great Festbier. It is brewed with German Pilsner, Viena and Munich malts. Hopped with German Tettang.

Great carbination. Crisp flavor.

I do detect a slight after taste but I find that most Festbiers affect my palette similarly.

Festbier 4.5% 15   4 4 4 4 4 4 Pic

Hofbrau Oktobersestbier


Munich, Germany

I must admit that I much prefer Hofbrau Original which is a Munich Helles but this is one of the offical style of Fest Beer for Oktoberfest. I find it to be to acidic but this is an excellent example of a fest style beer.

If presents itself festively with a fine, shiny, strong golden hue and a rich foam crown. Its bouquet is malty and with a subtle hop aroma. The beer impresses with a smooth, full-bodied, and drinkable taste, along with a slightly hoppy and floral finish.

If you like fest beers then this is for you.

German Fest Beer 6.3%     4 4 4 4 4 4 Pic


Southern Star Brewing

Conroe, Texas

This is usually a great beer but the can I had was off and I mean off. It had good carbonation but it had soured. I am guessing the can was bad. I was so surprised I went looking for another can at a different store.

The second can was not soured but did not have a great taste either. It had an orange flavor to it and was not to style at all.

I can see that they are trying to get a fest beer and they do have a german head brewer now so maybe its my palette that is off.

Both cans I tried from different stores had the same canning date so there may just be something off with this batch.

This is not a good trend for Southern Star which has under gone a change in ownership over the past 12 months.

Brewed with Weyerman Munich, Weyermann Vienna and Rahr Two Row. Hopped with Perle Hallertau Mittlefrueh. Weihenstephan 34/70 Lager Yeast

I would like to try this at the taproom to see if it is different.

German Style Fest Beer 6.3% 25   .5 3 .5 .5 .5 .4




Oktoberfest Info:

Oktoberfest beer is a German lager that's served at the annual Oktoberfest festival in Munich, Germany. Oktoberfest beer is typically pale in color and has a higher alcohol content than most other lagers. There are two main types of Oktoberfest beer: 

Only six breweries are permitted to serve their beers at the official Oktoberfest festival: Paulaner, Augustiner, Hofbräu, Löwenbräu, Hacker-Pschorr, and Spaten. The European Union has granted Oktoberfest beer a "Protected Geographical Indication" seal of origin, which ensures that the beer is brewed exclusively in Munich. 
Breweries other than the six that serve beer at the festival can still brew seasonal amber lagers in the Oktoberfest style.